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LAW BY NUMBERS: The protesters called on Yu Mei-nu to resign and demanded that public opinion be used to decide whether homosexual marriage is allowedBy Abraham Gerber / Staff reporterMore than 60 protesters yesterday broke through the Legislative Yuan gates in Taipei and staged a sit-in, while thousands protested outside as lawmakers reviewed a bill that aims to legalize same-sex marriage.The protesters rushed through a side gate on Jinan Road after it was scaled and opened by several of the protesters, sparking a wave of people, who reached the outside of the Legislative Yuan’s assembly hall before the access point was closed and those inside were surrounded by police officers, sparking a brief standoff.“Normally we are the most law-abiding of people, but we will break in if forced,” a man shouted as the protesters called for the resignation of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Yu Mei-nu (尤美女), the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee coconvener, and threatened to charge police lines unless Yu received their petition and agreed to hold public hearings before beginning the review of the legislation.“We’re here because we saw on the video live stream that Yu is seeking to railroad the legislation through and completely ignore our views,” a man surnamed Shih (施) said.“We demand that the Democratic Progressive Party listen to us and we will stay here until they do,” Shih said.“We demand that they listen to public opinion and let all the people participate in this decision, not just a few committee members,” he said.“We are not partisan — all that we demand is that legislators represent us and if they do not, we demand that they step down,” a woman surnamed Liu (劉) said.The mood of the protesters inside the compound gradually calmed as they accepted bottles of water offered by police officers and they settled into a largely quiet sit-in outside of the assembly hall doors.Several rows of the protesters fell to their knees in prayer, with occasional “speaking in tongues” and cries of “praise the lord” audible throughout the sit-in.“We only took these measures because we’ve already petitioned and called the offices of numerous legislators, but President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has dared to say that she is not aware of any opposition,” a woman surnamed Lee (李) said, blaming Yu’s attitude while conducting yesterday’s review for the protest.“She was extremely arrogant in convening the meeting and paid absolutely no attention to us,” Lee said, adding that the charge into the legislative compound had been sparked when Yu rejected advice from the Ministry of Justice, which said the review should be extended because of the great number of legal articles that would be affected by the proposal to change the legal definition of marriage.Lee said that she had not intended to charge into the compound, but was swept up in the crowd.Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus convener Sufin Siluko (廖國棟) met with the demonstrators repeatedly to listen to their demands, before returning to the committee meeting.Thousands of white-shirted protesters affiliated with the Alliance for the Happiness of Future Generations began demonstrating outside the Legislative Yuan at 7am, occupying an entire block of Jinan Road as they sang hymns and shouted slogans demanding public hearings and a referendum on same-sex marriage legislation.“We can affirm that the rights of homosexuals should be protected, including some of the legal amendments proposed by the Ministry of Justice and different civic groups, but we feel that any change has to be based on a consensus,” alliance spokesman Tseng Hsien-ying (曾獻瑩) said, adding that his group was opposed to a “rash” passage of the bill. “Passing this out of committee after just nine days [after its first reading] when people are not even aware and have not had an opportunity to make themselves heard is extremely inappropriate.”While the spokesman would not say how the demonstration had been organized, numerous participants said they learned of the event at Bible study or church group meetings, with some saying they had seen online announcements.Front-page adverts were placed in four Chinese-language newspapers on Wednesday and yesterday.“The main reason we are here today is to support ministers of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church,” alliance spokesman Lin Ya-lun (林亞倫) said.The ministers presented a petition to lawmakers yesterday morning.While some in the church’s seminary earlier this week signed a petition in favor of the proposed amendment, the church officially opposes the bill, as have the vast majority of other churches that have taken a public stance.Dozens of participants refused to be interviewed, citing the instructions of event organizers, who also interfered with interviews.A woman who was being interviewed by this reporter was told to stay silent by one of the organizers.Those who were willing to be interviewed cited their fears of a collapse of traditional values and the potential influence on children as their reason for attending the demonstration.“There’s a ‘devilish hand’ behind these changes — homosexual activists want to push through promiscuous behavior, which will lead to the collapse of the whole institution of marriage,” said a woman surnamed Chang (張), who said she had left Kaohsiung at 1am to reach Taipei for the rally.A woman surnamed Yang (楊) said she was concerned about the impression that would be made on children, also citing the potential effects on surrogate mothers from the provisions banning discrimination against homosexual couples in adoption cases.The announcement that the review would not be conducted yesterday was met with cheers by the demonstrators, with all those within and outside the legislative compound departing by the end of the evening.Small groups of counterprotesters gathered on the margins throughout the day, while counterprotesters affiliated with the Free Taiwan Party walked through the protest waving large rainbow flags.Dozens of people affiliated with the Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church and the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) held a marathon speech session on the corner of Zhongshan S and Qingdao E roads, reading statements submitted online by homosexuals.“We’re here to highlight the plight of homosexual Christians, because they are the ones who are pained the most by all this,” TAPCPR secretary-general Chien Chih-chieh (簡至潔) said.Chien said she helped organize yesterday’s event as part of an effort to promote dialogue between homosexuals and Christian groups.A white-shirted elderly man briefly stationed himself in front of the counterprotest site, shouting that the activists were “blaspheming” for “pretending to speak in God’s name.”The man got into verbal altercations with several people before moving on after several minutes.Additional reporting by Jason Pan新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES




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(中央社記者溫貴香利馬21日電)APEC經濟領袖峰會昨天順利閉幕,領袖代表宋楚瑜花了兩小時召開國際記者會說明此行成果豐碩,自稱是台灣最勤勞歐吉桑的宋楚瑜,每天睡不到4小時,展現過人體力與企圖心。 APEC(亞太經濟合作會議)經濟領袖代表宋楚瑜今天總結APEC領袖高峰會成果表示,用棒球術語而言,「全壘打」,沒一個漏掉;套句閩南語,「不是吹牛」。 2016APEC會議是總統蔡英文520就職後第一次兩岸領袖代表在國際重要經貿場合見面,幾經波折最後由宋楚瑜出任領袖代表,綠營內部反彈四起,網友譏橘子變綠、對岸媒體及學者更是一路唱衰「宋習會不成」。 中國大陸方面,先阻撓台灣無法參加國際民航組織(ICAO)大會,又施壓國際刑警組織(INTERPOL)阻撓台灣希望以觀察員身分出席大會申請等動作不斷,大陸國台辦設下「不承認『九二共識』,兩岸雙方就不會有實質互動」的底線。 這回宋楚瑜選擇APEC做為起手式、一改過去「湖南騾子」的火爆風格,面對兩岸問題,一律以「未被授權」回應;談到習近平都以舊識、兩年前見過面套交情,嚴防刺激對岸,這樣的步步為營、小心翼翼,換得「宋楚瑜習近平自然互動寒暄超過10分鐘」。 從民進黨政府的角度來看,宋楚瑜此行讓第三次政黨輪替、民進黨二度執政後的兩岸交流破冰,是一大進步;不過也有人就歷屆APEC領袖代表的表現檢視,宋楚瑜這次表現認為是守成有餘,要稱重大突破恐尚嫌不足。 馬政府執政時期,前副總統蕭萬長出任領袖代表曾與習近平展開雙邊會談、去年APEC前有馬習會、APEC蕭習會公開互動寒暄,對照這次宋楚瑜在休息室會習近平,兩人僅寒暄沒照片,公開場合鎂光燈下,兩人更是零互動,留下一絲遺憾。 淡江大學大陸研究所副教授張五岳認為,宋楚瑜會習近平進退有據,即使沒有聚焦兩岸問題,對雙方關係也是積極的,「可正面看待,但不用過度解讀」。宋楚瑜這次出訪APEC,從外界一片不看好的氛圍下突圍而出,在國際經貿場域努力行銷台灣省長經驗,外交逆勢出擊,表現穩健,但國內輿論如何看待,有待觀察。1051121

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